Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
opengm::AbsoluteDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Absolute difference between two labels
opengm::AdderAddition as a binary operation
opengm::AlphaBetaSwap< GM, INF >Alpha-Beta-Swap Algorithm
opengm::AlphaExpansion< GM, INF >Alpha-Expansion Algorithm
opengm::AndConjunction as a binary operation
opengm::AStar< GM, ACC >A star search algorithm
opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules< GM, ACC, BUFFER >Update rules for the MessagePassing framework
opengm::Bruteforce< GM, ACC >Brute force inference algorithm
opengm::BufferRandomAccessSet< T >
opengm::ConstantFunction< T, I, L >Constant function
opengm::DDBundle< OP, ACC, T >
opengm::DDDualVariableBlock< DUALVAR >
opengm::DDDualVariableBlock2< DUALVAR >
opengm::DDIsView< DUALVAR >
opengm::DDIsView< marray::View< double, false > >
opengm::DDIsView< marray::View< double, true > >
opengm::DDIsView< marray::View< float, false > >
opengm::DDIsView< marray::View< float, true > >
opengm::DDSubGradient< PRIMALSOLVER, DUALVAR >
opengm::DiscreteSpace< I, L >Discrete space in which variables can have differently many labels
opengm::DualDecomposition< GM, ACC, DUALSOLVER >
opengm::DualDecompositionBase< GM, DUALBLOCK >A framework for inference algorithms based on Lagrangian decomposition
opengm::DualDecompositionEmptyVisitor< DD >Visitor
opengm::DualDecompositionHelper< GM, DUALVAR >
opengm::DualDecompositionMerit< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >
opengm::DualDecompositionSubGradient< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >Inference based on dual decomposition using sub-gradient descent
opengm::DualDecompositionVisitor< DD >Visitor
opengm::DynamicProgramming< GM, ACC >Dynamic programming inference algorithm
opengm::DynamicSingleSiteFunction< T >Single site function with dynamic size
opengm::ExplicitFunction< T, I, L >Function encoded as a dense multi-dimensional array, marray::Marray
opengm::Factor< GRAPHICAL_MODEL >Abstraction (wrapper class) of factors, independent of the function used to implement the factor
opengm::FactorGraph< S >Interface that makes an object of type S (the template parameter) look like a (non-editable) factor graph
opengm::FastSequence< T, MAX_STACK >Vector that stores values on the stack if size is smaller than MAX_STACK
opengm::FunctionBase< FUNCTION, VALUE, INDEX, LABEL >Fallback implementation of member functions of OpenGM functions
opengm::Gibbs< GM, ACC >Gibbs sampling
opengm::GibbsMarginalVisitor< GIBBS >Visitor for the Gibbs sampler to compute arbitrary marginal probabilities
opengm::GraphCut< GM, ACC, MINSTCUT >A framework for min st-cut algorithms
opengm::GraphicalModel< T, OPERATOR, FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, SPACE, EDITABLE >GraphicalModel
opengm::ICM< GM, ACC >Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm

J. E. Besag, "On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 48(3):259-302, 1986
opengm::IndependentFactor< T, I, L >Factor (with corresponding function and variable indices), independent of a GraphicalModel
opengm::Inference< GM, ACC >Inference algorithm interface
opengm::IntegratorIntegration (addition) as a unary accumulation
marray::Iterator< T, isConst, A >STL-compliant random access iterator for View and Marray
opengm::LazyFlipper< GM, ACC >LazyFlipper
opengm::LOC< GM, ACC >LOC Algorithm

K. Jung, P. Kohli and D. Shah, "Local Rules for Global MAP: When Do They Work?", NIPS 2009
opengm::LPCplex< GM, ACC >Optimization by Linear Programming (LP) or Integer LP using IBM ILOG CPLEX
marray::Marray< T, A >Runtime-flexible multi-dimensional array
marray::Matrix< T, A >Two-dimensional Marray
opengm::MaximizerMaximization as a unary accumulation
opengm::MessagePassing< GM, ACC, UPDATE_RULES, DIST >A framework for message passing algorithms

Cf. F. R. Kschischang, B. J. Frey and H.-A. Loeliger, "Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47:498-519, 2001
opengm::MinimizerMinimization as a unary accumulation
opengm::MinSTCut2File< NType, VType >
opengm::MinSTCutBoost< NType, VType, mfalg >Boost solvers for the min st-cut framework GraphCut
opengm::external::MinSTCutKolmogorov< NType, VType >V. Kolmogorov's solver for the min st-cut framework GraphCut
opengm::ModelViewFunction< GM, MARRAY >Function that refers to a factor of another GraphicalModel
opengm::Movemaker< GM >A fremework for move making algorithms
opengm::MultiplierMultiplication as a binary operation
opengm::NormalizationNormalization w.r.t. a binary operation (e.g. Multiplier) and a unary accumulation (e.g. Integrator)
opengm::OrDisjunction as a binary operation
opengm::DualDecompositionMerit< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >::Parameter
opengm::DualDecompositionSubGradient< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >::Parameter
opengm::DualDecomposition< GM, ACC, DUALSOLVER >::ParameterParameter
opengm::DynamicProgramming< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::Gibbs< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::LPCplex< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::GraphCut< GM, ACC, MINSTCUT >::Parameter
opengm::ICM< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::AlphaBetaSwap< GM, INF >::Parameter
opengm::LazyFlipper< GM, ACC >::ParameterParameter LazyFlipper Parameters
opengm::LOC< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::AlphaExpansion< GM, INF >::Parameter
opengm::AStar< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::ReducedInference< GM, ACC, INF >::Parameter
opengm::SAT< GM >::Parameter
opengm::SwendsenWang< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::MessagePassing< GM, ACC, UPDATE_RULES, DIST >::Parameter
opengm::QPBO< GM, MIN_ST_CUT >::Parameter
opengm::Bruteforce< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::Partition< T >Disjoint set data structure with path compression
opengm::PottsFunction< T, I, L >Potts function for two variables
opengm::PottsGFunction< T, I, L >Generalized Potts Function
opengm::PottsNFunction< T, I, L >Potts function in N variables
opengm::QPBO< GM, MIN_ST_CUT >QPBO Algorithm

C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, V. Lempitsky, and M. Szummer, "Optimizing binary MRFs via extended roof duality", CVPR 2007
opengm::RandomAccessSet< Key, Compare, Alloc >Set with O(n) insert and O(1) access
opengm::ReducedInference< GM, ACC, INF >[class reducedinference] Reduced Inference
opengm::RuntimeErrorOpenGM runtime error
opengm::SAT< GM >2-SAT solver
opengm::ScaledViewFunction< GM >Function that scales a factor of another graphical model
opengm::SimpleDiscreteSpace< I, L >Discrete space in which all variables have the same number of labels
opengm::SpaceBase< SPACE, I, L >Interface of label spaces
opengm::SparseMarray< T_AssociativeContainer >Sparse, runtime-flexible multi-dimensional array
opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Squared difference of the labels of two variables
opengm::StaticSimpleDiscreteSpace< LABELS, I, L >Discrete space in which all variables have the same number of labels
opengm::StaticSingleSiteFunction< T, SIZE, STORAGE >Single site function whose size is fixed at compile time
opengm::SwendsenWang< GM, ACC >Generalized Swendsen-Wang sampling

A. Barbu, S. Zhu, "Generalizing swendsen-wang to sampling arbitrary posterior probabilities", PAMI 27:1239-1253, 2005
opengm::SwendsenWangEmptyVisitor< SW >Visitor
opengm::SwendsenWangMarginalVisitor< SW >Visitor
opengm::SwendsenWangVerboseVisitor< SW >Visitor
opengm::TimerPlatform-independent runtime measurements
opengm::Timing< FUNCTOR >Platform-independent runtime measurements of functors
opengm::TrbpUpdateRules< GM, ACC, BUFFER >Update rules for the MessagePassing framework
opengm::TriboolVariable with three values (true=1, false=0, maybe=-1)
opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Truncated absolute differents between the labels of 2 variables
opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Truncated squared difference of the labels of two variables
marray::Vector< T, A >One-dimensional Marray
marray::View< T, isConst, A >Array-Interface to an interval of memory
opengm::ViewConvertFunction< GM, ACC, VALUE_TYPE >
marray::ViewExpression< E, T >
opengm::ViewFixVariablesFunction< GM >
opengm::ViewFunction< GM >Reference to a Factor of a GraphicalModel
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