Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
opengm::AbsoluteDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Absolute difference between two labels
opengm::AdderAddition as a binary operation
opengm::ADSal< GM, ACC >[class adsal] ADSal - adaptive diminishing smoothing algorithm Based on the paper: B. Savchynskyy, S. Schmidt, J. H. Kappes, C. Schnörr Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing, In UAI, 2012, pp. 746-755
opengm::ADSal_Parameter< ValueType, GM >
opengm::detail_properties::AllValuesInAnyOrderFunctionProperties< FUNCTION, ACCUMULATOR >
opengm::AlphaBetaSwap< GM, INF >Alpha-Beta-Swap Algorithm
opengm::AlphaExpansion< GM, INF >Alpha-Expansion Algorithm
opengm::AlphaExpansionFusion< GM, ACC >Alpha-Expansion-Fusion Algorithm uses the code of Alexander Fix to reduce the higer order moves to binary pairwise problems which are solved by QPBO as described in Alexander Fix, Artinan Gruber, Endre Boros, Ramin Zabih: A Graph Cut Algorithm for Higher Order Markov Random Fields, ICCV 2011
opengm::AndConjunction as a binary operation
opengm::AStar< GM, ACC >A star search algorithm
opengm::detail_properties::AtLeastAllUniqueValuesFunctionProperties< FUNCTION, ACCUMULATOR >
opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules< GM, ACC, BUFFER >Update rules for the MessagePassing framework
opengm::BinaryFunctionProperties< BinaryProperties::IsPotts, FUNCTION >
opengm::Bruteforce< GM, ACC >Brute force inference algorithm
TransportSolver::List2D< T >::bufferElement
opengm::BufferRandomAccessSet< T >
trws_base::compToValue< T, ACC >
opengm::ConstantFunction< T, I, L >Constant function
opengm::ConvertToExplicit< GM >Convert any graphical model into an explicit graphical model
TransportSolver::coordLess< E >
TransportSolver::coordMore< E >
trws_base::Decomposition< GM >
trws_base::DecompositionStorage< GM >
opengm::DiscreteSpace< I, L >Discrete space in which variables can have differently many labels
opengm::disjoint_set< T >
opengm::DualDecompositionBase< GM, DUALBLOCK >A framework for inference algorithms based on Lagrangian decomposition
opengm::DualDecompositionEmptyVisitor< DD >Visitor
opengm::DualDecompositionSubGradient< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >Inference based on dual decomposition using sub-gradient descent
opengm::DualDecompositionVisitor< DD >Visitor
trws_base::DynamicProgramming< GM, ACC, InputIterator >
opengm::DynamicProgramming< GM, ACC >DynamicProgramming
opengm::DynamicSingleSiteFunction< T >Single site function with dynamic size
opengm::disjoint_set< T >::elem
opengm::ExplicitFunction< T, I, L >Function encoded as a dense multi-dimensional array, marray::Marray
opengm::ExplicitStorage< GM >ExplicitStorage (continous storage) of a graphical model function data
opengm::Factor< GRAPHICAL_MODEL >Abstraction (wrapper class) of factors, independent of the function used to implement the factor
opengm::FactorGraph< S, I >Interface that makes an object of type S (the template parameter) look like a (non-editable) factor graph
trws_base::PreviousFactorTable< GM >::FactorVarID
trws_base::FactorWrapper< FACTOR >
opengm::FastSequence< T, MAX_STACK >Vector that stores values on the stack if size is smaller than MAX_STACK
opengm::FunctionBase< FUNCTION, VALUE, INDEX, LABEL >Fallback implementation of member functions of OpenGM functions
opengm::FunctionIteratation< IX, DX, false >
opengm::FunctionIteratation< IX, DX, true >
trws_base::FunctionParameters< GM >
opengm::Gibbs< GM, ACC >Gibbs sampling
opengm::GibbsMarginalVisitor< GIBBS >Visitor for the Gibbs sampler to compute arbitrary marginal probabilities
opengm::GraphCut< GM, ACC, MINSTCUT >A framework for min st-cut algorithms
opengm::GraphicalModel< T, OPERATOR, FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, SPACE, EDITABLE >GraphicalModel
trws_base::GridDecomposition< GM >
opengm::ICM< GM, ACC >Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm

J. E. Besag, "On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 48(3):259-302, 1986
opengm::IndependentFactor< T, I, L >Factor (with corresponding function and variable indices), independent of a GraphicalModel
opengm::InfAndFlip< GM, ACC, INF >Inference and Flip

opengm::Inference< GM, ACC >Inference algorithm interface
opengm::IntegratorIntegration (addition) as a unary accumulation
marray::Iterator< T, isConst, A >STL-compliant random access iterator for View and Marray
TransportSolver::List2D< T >::iterator_template< Parent, typeT >
opengm::LazyFlipper< GM, ACC >A generalization of ICM

B. Andres, J. H. Kappes, U. Koethe and Hamprecht F. A., The Lazy Flipper: MAP Inference in Higher-Order Graphical Models by Depth-limited Exhaustive Search, Technical Report, 2010,
TransportSolver::List2D< T >
TransportSolver::List2D< T >::listElement
opengm::LOC< GM, ACC >LOC Algorithm

K. Jung, P. Kohli and D. Shah, "Local Rules for Global MAP: When Do They Work?", NIPS 2009
opengm::LPCplex< GM, ACC >Optimization by Linear Programming (LP) or Integer LP using IBM ILOG CPLEX
trws_base::make0ifless< T >
marray::Marray< T, A >Runtime-flexible multi-dimensional array
marray::Matrix< T, A >Two-dimensional Marray
TransportSolver::MatrixWrapper< T >
opengm::MaximizerMaximization as a unary accumulation
trws_base::maximum< T >
trws_base::MaxSumSolver< GM, ACC, InputIterator >
trws_base::MaxSumTRWS< GM, ACC >
trws_base::MaxSumTRWS_Parameters< ValueType >
opengm::MessagePassing< GM, ACC, UPDATE_RULES, DIST >A framework for message passing algorithms

Cf. F. R. Kschischang, B. J. Frey and H.-A. Loeliger, "Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47:498-519, 2001
opengm::MinimizerMinimization as a unary accumulation
opengm::MinSTCutBoost< NType, VType, mfalg >Boost solvers for the min st-cut framework GraphCut
opengm::external::MinSTCutIBFS< NType, VType >IBFS solver for the min st-cut framework GraphCut
trws_base::minusminus< T >
opengm::modelTrees< GM >
opengm::ModelViewFunction< GM, MARRAY >Function that refers to a factor of another GraphicalModel
trws_base::MonotoneChainsDecomposition< GM >
opengm::Movemaker< GM >A fremework for move making algorithms
opengm::MQPBO< GM, ACC >[class mqpbo] Multilabel QPBO (MQPBO) Implements the algorithms described in i) Ivan Kovtun: Partial Optimal Labeling Search for a NP-Hard Subclass of (max, +) Problems. DAGM-Symposium 2003 (part. opt. for potts) ii) P. Kohli, A. Shekhovtsov, C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, and P. Torr: On partial optimality in multi-label MRFs, ICML 2008 (MQPBO) iii) P. Swoboda, B. Savchynskyy, J.H. Kappes, and C. Schnörr : Partial Optimality via Iterative Pruning for the Potts Model, SSVM 2013 (MQPBO with permutation sampling)
trws_base::mul2ndPlus< T >
trws_base::mulAndExp< T >
opengm::Multicut< GM, ACC >Multicut Algorithm

[1] J. Kappes, M. Speth, B. Andres, G. Reinelt and C. Schnoerr, "Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts", EMMCVPR 2011
[2] J. Kappes, M. Speth, G. Reinelt and C. Schnoerr, "Higher-order Segmentation via Multicuts", Technical Report (
opengm::MultiplierMultiplication as a binary operation
opengm::NormalizationNormalization w.r.t. a binary operation (e.g. Multiplier) and a unary accumulation (e.g. Integrator)
opengm::OrDisjunction as a binary operation
opengm::DualDecompositionSubGradient< GM, INF, DUALBLOCK >::Parameter
opengm::AlphaBetaSwap< GM, INF >::Parameter
opengm::Gibbs< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::GraphCut< GM, ACC, MINSTCUT >::Parameter
opengm::ICM< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::Bruteforce< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::InfAndFlip< GM, ACC, INF >::Parameter
opengm::AStar< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::LazyFlipper< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::LOC< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::LPCplex< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::MessagePassing< GM, ACC, UPDATE_RULES, DIST >::Parameter
opengm::MQPBO< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::Multicut< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::PartitionMove< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::QPBO< GM, MIN_ST_CUT >::Parameter
opengm::AlphaExpansion< GM, INF >::Parameter
opengm::ReducedInference< GM, ACC, INF >::Parameter
opengm::SAT< GM >::Parameter
opengm::AlphaExpansionFusion< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::SwendsenWang< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::DynamicProgramming< GM, ACC >::Parameter
opengm::Partition< T >Disjoint set data structure with path compression
opengm::PartitionMove< GM, ACC >Partition Move

Currently Partition Move only implements the Kernighan-Lin-Algorithm
trws_base::plus2ndMul< T >
trws_base::plusplusConst< T >
opengm::PottsFunction< T, I, L >Potts function for two variables
opengm::PottsGFunction< T, I, L >Generalized Potts Function
opengm::PottsNFunction< T, I, L >Potts function in N variables
trws_base::PreviousFactorTable< GM >
opengm::PrimalLPBound< GM, ACC >[class primallpbound] PrimalLPBound - estimating primal local polytope bound and feasible primal solution for the local polytope relaxation of the MRF energy minimization problem Based on the paper: B. Savchynskyy, S. Schmidt Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study. arXiv:1210.4081 Submitted Oct. 2012
opengm::PrimalLPBound_Parameter< ValueType >
trws_base::Pseudo2DArray< T >
opengm::QPBO< GM, MIN_ST_CUT >QPBO Algorithm

C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, V. Lempitsky, and M. Szummer, "Optimizing binary MRFs via extended roof duality", CVPR 2007
opengm::RandomAccessSet< Key, Compare, Alloc >Set with O(n) insert and O(1) access
opengm::ReducedInference< GM, ACC, INF >[class reducedinference] Reduced Inference Implementation of the reduction techniques proposed in J.H. Kappes, M. Speth, G. Reinelt, and C. Schnörr: Towards Efficient and Exact MAP-Inference for Large Scale Discrete Computer Vision Problems via Combinatorial Optimization, CVPR 2013
opengm::ReducedInferenceHelper< GM >
opengm::RuntimeErrorOpenGM runtime error
opengm::SAT< GM >2-SAT solver
opengm::ScaledViewFunction< GM >Function that scales a factor of another graphical model
trws_base::SequenceStorage< GM >
opengm::SimpleDiscreteSpace< I, L >Discrete space in which all variables have the same number of labels
opengm::SpaceBase< SPACE, I, L >Interface of label spaces
opengm::SparseFunction< T, I, L, CONTAINER >
opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Squared difference of the labels of two variables
trws_base::srcIterator< T >
opengm::StaticSimpleDiscreteSpace< LABELS, I, L >Discrete space in which all variables have the same number of labels
opengm::StaticSingleSiteFunction< T, SIZE, STORAGE >Single site function whose size is fixed at compile time
trws_base::SumProdSolver< GM, ACC, InputIterator >
trws_base::SumProdTRWS< GM, ACC >
trws_base::SumProdTRWS_Parameters< ValueType >
opengm::SwendsenWang< GM, ACC >Generalized Swendsen-Wang sampling

A. Barbu, S. Zhu, "Generalizing swendsen-wang to sampling arbitrary posterior probabilities", PAMI 27:1239-1253, 2005
opengm::SwendsenWangEmptyVisitor< SW >Visitor
opengm::SwendsenWangMarginalVisitor< SW >Visitor
opengm::SwendsenWangVerboseVisitor< SW >Visitor
trws_base::thresholdMulAndExp< T, ACC >
opengm::TimerPlatform-independent runtime measurements
opengm::Timing< FUNCTOR >Platform-independent runtime measurements of functors
TransportSolver::TransportationSolver< OPTIMIZER, DenseMatrix >
opengm::TrbpUpdateRules< GM, ACC, BUFFER >Update rules for the MessagePassing framework
opengm::TriboolVariable with three values (true=1, false=0, maybe=-1)
opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Truncated absolute differents between the labels of 2 variables
opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction< T, I, L >Truncated squared difference of the labels of two variables
opengm::TRWSi< GM, ACC >[class trwsi] TRWSi - tree-reweighted sequential message passing Based on the paper: V. Kolmogorov Convergent tree-reweighted message passing for energy minimization. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, 28(10):1568–1583, 2006
opengm::TRWSi_Parameter< GM >
trws_base::TRWSPrototype< SubSolver >
trws_base::TRWSPrototype_Parameters< ValueType >
opengm::ValueFunctionProperties< ValueProperties::Maximum, FUNCTION >
opengm::ValueFunctionProperties< ValueProperties::Minimum, FUNCTION >
opengm::ValueFunctionProperties< ValueProperties::Product, FUNCTION >
opengm::ValueFunctionProperties< ValueProperties::Sum, FUNCTION >
trws_base::VariableToFactorMapping< GM >
marray::Vector< T, A >One-dimensional Marray
marray::View< T, isConst, A >Array-Interface to an interval of memory
opengm::ViewConvertFunction< GM, ACC, VALUE_TYPE >
marray::ViewExpression< E, T >
opengm::ViewFixVariablesFunction< GM >
opengm::ViewFunction< GM >Reference to a Factor of a GraphicalModel
trws_base::VisitorWrapper< VISITOR, INFERENCE_TYPE >
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